
Geschiter - être

Welcome to the fisrt post of the new section which I'd like to call "Gesichter" (that means Faces in German). This section will be a series of portraits of cool people I've come across in Mexico and other countries.
Anyway, first off is José Luis Gonzalez better known as être. He is a real kick-ass fashion designer from Mexico.

I know José Luis since a long time and I can say that I've had the privilege to work with him on some of his campaigns. Some of his major achievements to date are his collection shown at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Mexico; he also became part of IDM (International Designer Mexico) team. In his history as a designer he has won different awards but the must important one is definitely finishing second on Project Runway LA (Latin America).

Even though José Luis has decided to give être a break, that doesn't mean he is not working, in fact he is doing some styling and he is learning new ways of projection. Not so long ago, he was in NY doing an internship with Angel Sanchez and working with Ricardo Seco as a personal assistant. So I'm sure he has a lot more to offer and that he will surprise us with new creative things.  

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